Tuesday, September 23, 2008

IVF Update - Medicine Change

Tomorrow is Wednesday and that means a change in the meds. Tomorrow I triple my estrogen intake. Yeah, I have been experiencing bad headaches and am hoping that its not from the estrogen cause I have to up-the-annie tomorrow. Wish me luck.

We have 2 weeks to transfer. Tuesday I go in for an ultra-sound to make sure things are looking good. That also means that I start progestrone shots in 1 week(ok, 6 days but who is counting). I would love to say that I am not getting nervous but that would be a lie. If you want a sneek peek at what the Progestrone shot looks like check out this YouTube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGjZm5uXwy4 and no, I don't give it to myself, that's what Tyler is for.

The big question we get from everyone is how many embryos will you put back in??? Well, with Justin we put 2 back in and only 1 took. This time we will "defrost" the 3 remaining embryos we have left and we will see on how many we put back. We will not know until the transfer day. We are hoping that we have at least one (and hopefully 2) to put back. It is only about a 50% chance that an embryo will be viable for transfer after "defrost mode". Then there is a grading stage to see how strong the embryos are and lalalalalalala...... I'll explain it all later.


Brandan & Haylie said...

Okay, I usually don't get nervous with needles or watching injections because of Cole but I have to say that you're pretty brave (Tyler too) for doing that. How much does it hurt? I hope not too much...Hope all goes well. I've got all fingers (and toes too) crossed for ya!

Lindsey said...

We are keeping our finger's crossed for you guys!! Let me know if you need ANYTHING!!!!!