Monday, September 22, 2008

You always want to keep the Binky close

Hillary and I checked on Justin last night before going to bed, and what a sight it was. Somehow he had fallen asleep with his binky balanced on his head, and one foot sticking out of the crib. I guess if he can sleep when he is kicking me in the back, he can sleep like this.


Brandan & Haylie said...

Kids are funny when they're sleeping...from wiggling around to talking or making noises in their sleep. We found Hannah on the floor in her room the other night...not quite sure how she got there from her bed.

Lindsey said...

That is so funny!! You've definitely got to keep that one for his wedding video someday.

kelliemcc said...

Nice blogging Tyler! Kids can sleep any which way, but it's pretty impressive the binky stayed on his head! He's a tricky one.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Oh that is so cute... I just want to eat him up!

The Quarnbergs said...

that is classic! Kids can sleep in the funniest positions! Yeah- those nights of getting kicked in the back, it is amazing how they can have a great night sleep, while you get the worst!