Friday, February 20, 2009

The new comfort . . .

Ever since we got rid of Justin's bottle he has to take these two stuffed animals with us everywhere. At first, he only liked the puppy dog but when he got sick and threw up on the puppy I decided that I should dig the horse out of the closet so he could have a clean snuggle. Well, little did I know that he would want both!! So these two things go everywhere with us...nap, bedtime, in the car, out to get the mail, etc. Isn't he cute!!

1 comment:

The Quarnbergs said...

I love it! Teya has 4 elephants that go with us! 2 that go with us places (only because she is able to hold them in her arms) the other two are in the bed and they are LARGE!!!!(because they are to big to take places)