Saturday, February 28, 2009

Out to Dinner

Last night we went to Chili's for dinner. I asked Tyler on Thursday if we could go to dinner on Friday and of course he said sure. I was thinking we would get a baby sitter. Tyler wanted to take Justin. It went something like this..."Justin likes to be with us. We have had him at the tender a lot lately. Let's not leave him out. I think we should take him with us."

So all of you moms know that eating out is so much more enjoyable when you don't have to worry about the kids and if they will eat what you get them, will they make a mess, will I be able to eat warm know. So I told Tyler that he would have to sit by Justin and tend to his every need. Tyler was ok with that.

And wouldn't you know it. Justin was an angel. He ate chips and salsa with us, he ate a good amount of his chicken strips and french fries, he didn't spill a thing, I was able to eat warm food and we all had fun.

It was a good date night!


Brandan & Haylie said...

Aren't you guys lucky!!! Hopefully he'll always be like that.

Natalie said...

How fun! Family date nights are the best.