Tuesday, February 3, 2009

They grow up so fast

I can't believe how fast Justin is growing up. It is amazing how much a child can learn at this age. Right now, Justin's favorite thing to do is to push a bar stool around to the kitchen sink, climb onto the bar stool and play in the water. He is actually pretty good at "helping" me rinse dishes. He can seriously stand and play at the sink for hours. . . and I mean hours.

Justin's cousin, Austin, gave this skidsteer power-wheels to him right before Christmas. Justin absolutely loves it. It is so much fun having older cousins because the hand-me-downs are so awesome! Justin gets better on this thing each time he gets on. He still needs a little help with the steering because there is a control on each side (you know, one for each hand). Justin loves it when Tyler says "Get your jacket and let's go downstairs." Justin knows that means he gets to get in the skidseer. There you go Grandpa Scott, we are teaching Justin to work already.

oh, and I can't leave out the picture with the precious remote....he wants to be like his dad so bad....he is even sitting in Tyler's spot!!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

oh my goodness---he is TOTALLY darling!!!