Monday, December 3, 2012

Let's build a snowman

November 9, 2012.

We came home from being somewhere and when I pulled the van in the garage Justin said, "Hey mom, lets build a snowman."  I looked in the back seat and Fisher and Hunter were both asleep.  I thought,  'Oh man, I have so much to do and the little boys are asleep'.  Then I decided building a snowman was more important than anything else I needed to do.  So I put the little boys in their beds for a nap and Justin and I suited up.

We build a snowman and adorned him with our "Snowman Kit".  We even figured out something to work for his hat.  Justin said it wasn't a top hat but it would do.

It was a lot of fun. Justin is getting very good at rolling snowballs. 
Thanks Justin for asking mom to play.

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