Monday, December 3, 2012

Where is this child's mother?

November 11, 2012.

At about 1:00 in the afternoon, Fisher came into the kitchen and had his pajama pants in his hand and this is what he said: "Change my bum."

Yes, this is what a toddler (who should be potty trained) looks like after being neglected all Saturday morning. Yes, it is 1:00 pm and he has not had a diaper change since he woke up!

Where is this child's mother?  That is exactly what I would have said 5 years ago (before I had children of my own) when I went to my sister's house to find her child just like this.

My defense: it was Saturday, Fisher likes to stay in his jammies all day (and I let him) on regular basis, and Tyler was home too and I figured he had changed him.  Oops.

We laughed so hard that I nearly cried and Fisher loved being the center of attention!

1 comment:

Dulcie said...

I can't believe how big he is, what a cutie! Oh and Carson isn't potty trained either :-)