Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
2 Month Check Up
Justin also went to the doctor to get an X-ray on his foot. He jumped off the couch and has been limping on it. The good news is that it is not broken, just a deep bruise.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
A Reunion In Heaven
What a reunion in heaven it must have been. It has been 52 years since her sweetheart (my mom's dad) tragically passed away, 52 years since her son (my mom's twin), Erik, died; and 6 years since her son, John, died. Oh what a happy day it must have been for sweet Grandma Helen!
I love you Grandma!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Grandma Helen
Monday, November 23, 2009
UPJ Blockage
This is good news. And the even better news is that this problem doesn't cause him any pain. So all of his crying is not from his kidney but from his tummy. Yeah, he cries alot but we still love him!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The happenings
Fisher: I figure he is close to 9 1/2 lbs now. He is putting on the chubbies everywhere! You should see his legs. He is my low maintenance baby. He eats well (fast) and sleeps pretty good. He is drinking 5 oz, wearing 0-3 months clothes, and size 1 diapers.
Hunter: This is the high-maintenance babe. He likes to be held ALOT; which isn't so bad except I feel bad that I have to split holding time amongst 2 babies and a toddler. Hunter drinks 4 oz, wears newborn clothes, and newborn diapers. He is about 8 1/2 lbs now. Someone asked if his hair just stands up like that on its own and yes, it does it on its own. There is nothing that keeps it down! We love our "Hunter Baby"
Justin loves to play on the blanket with them. This night he got a truck for each one of them. Justin is so excited for the time that they can actually play with him. Oh, check out the Big Brother pj's that Justin is so proud of.
Justin loves Tummy Time. He especially loves when we go "down dares" (downstairs) when Dad gets home for tummy time. We turn on the fire place and just relax as a family.
Justin periodically asks to hold one of the brothers. It never last very long but we always try to give him the chance. Here he is with Hunter right before bedtime snacks.
We love our Justin. He has been so patient with the changes in our family! He has been an AWESOME big brother.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
6 weeks
Fisher started at 4-7 and Hunter started at 4-9. They are getting close to double their original size!
They are growing!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Dads a pee-on
oh, and I just have to mention that last night Justin started doing darndest cutest thing ever. When one of the twins cries he pats their arm or tummy and says, "Don't cry baby brother. Don't cry."
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The good and the bad
Then there are the bad nights. The night before last was the worst. I went to bed at 11:30 pm and got up at 12:30 am for feeding #1. I didn't crawl back into bed until 5:30 am. Yes, that is 5 hours that we were up in one stretch. All 3 kids were up at the same time. 4 of us were crying - Justin, Fisher, Hunter and mom. And once I got to bed at 5:30 I was back up to feed again at 7:00 am. I remember doing 2 feedings without any sleep in between. I am not quite sure what happened other than it was complete madness.
It is a good thing that we had a good night last night. I am hoping for a similar good night tonight. We will find out soon enough as it is 9:00 pm and I am going to try to get Justin down!
Night times are definitely the hardest thing with the twins.
By the way, Fisher weighs 7-3 and Hunter 7-4! They are growing!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Life with the 3 boys
This picture was on Saturday just before me and Justin went Trick-o-Treating. Dad stayed home with the twins. Thanks Dad!
Hunter, Justin and Fisher:
Hunter & Fisher in their new favorite spot...the bean bag!
They snuggle right down and look so content in the bean bag. Fisher is putting on the pudge. I would dare say that he is going to surpase Hunter very soon. Their last weights were 6-10 and 6-11. Their next weight is tomorrow.
Life with 3 kids is getting a little easier. We are starting to figure out a few tricks to help with the schedule. If you can call it a schedule. Today was Tyler's first day back to work since the twins came home and I survived it ok (Thanks to help from Grandma Sing).
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Q. How is it going?
Everyone wants to know how we are doing since the twins came home. So here it goes...
- 2 feedings each night times 2 babies plus pumping = very little sleep
- one poop machine (Hunter) = a 24 pack of diapers in less than 24 hours
- 2 babies spitting-up, pooping and peeing = laundry, laundry and more laundry
- flu season = dry cracked hands that sting like crazy with hand sanitizer. We need to get the good expensive stuff with moisturizer in it that the hospital had
- a 2-year-old who is starving for attention = 3 hours to get him to stay in his bed each night
- a 2-year-old who is starving for attention = "No." has become his favorite word.
How is Justin doing? Well, for the first few days he wanted to hold the babies, help with the bottles, diapers, binkies, etc. Now he doesn't want to "help" and the first thing he does when we sit down to feed the babies is get on the kitchen counter and get anything out of the cabinet that is on the top shelf. I think the hardest thing about adjusting to having the twins home is trying to keep Justin happy. It seems like all I ever do is cry because I don't know how to give Justin the attention he wants/needs. Its a good thing Tyler is so great because he encourages me to hang in there and reminds me that I can only do the best that I can and that we will survive this crazyness.
But all in all, we are doing well and enjoying the babies at home. It is great to have all 5 of us in the same place. We are tired but it is a better tired than going back and forth from the hospital.
Thanks for the phone calls! I am sorry if I haven't gotten back to you.....I will someday, I promise!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
We're Home!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Putting on the chubbies
The benefits of all the road construction
And it just so happens that Justin's Grandpa Scott has a "baby trackhoe" of his own. Justin loves doing anything with Grandpa Scott.
Look at all that concentration on Justin's face. Grandpa let Justin walk the trackhoe back and forth and use the bucket. They even used the trackhoe to fill a 5-gallon bucket full of dirt and then lifted it in the air and dumped it out. Of course, Grandpa had to show Justin how to crush the 5-gallon bucket when they were finished!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
A few pictures
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
1. Co-bedding. That means they are finally sharing a bed. They are so cute all cuddled up together. They sleep really well this way. (sorry, no picture now but it will be coming.)
2. Bottle Feedings. We started the first bottle feedings yesterday. Up until this point they have been receiving everything thru a feeding tube. They say that babies don't get the suck, swallow, and breathe until about 35 weeks gestation age (that would be tomorrow). We start with using a bottle 2 times a day. Once they have mastered two bottle feedings then they add one more until they are taking all feedings by mouth. They both took about 1/2 of their feeding by mouth and the rest went in the feeding tube. That is a pretty good start.
3. Tyler was able to hold both babies last night for the first time. Tyler got sick and hasn't been able to visit the babies for the last 6 days but last night he finally got to hold them.
4. Last night they were moved from the NICU Nursery A to NICU Nursery B. That means they are in the 'feed & grow' stage.
All of these milestones mean they are growing and getting stronger!!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
First Side-by-Side Photo
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
How Are the Twins?
Both Fisher and Hunter are doing great with their breathing. They were on ventilators the first night only. They haven't been on oxygen since day one which is awesome. They have just been working on their eating. At this age they don't know how to suck, swallow and breathe all at once so they get all of their milk thru a feeding tube in their nose. They also receive TPN (total parental nutrition) thru an IV. Fisher is now off his IV because he is taking enough milk. Hunter is still on his IV (a pic-line in his leg) and will be still for several days. Fisher is doing great with his eating and tolerates whatever they give him. Hunter is having a little harder time digesting his milk so he is still working on increasing his milk intake. Hunter doesn't tolerate the formula very well so he gets breast milk only. I wish I could keep up with two babies but since I can't Fisher gets 1/2 breast milk and 1/2 formula and Hunter gets 100% breast milk.
Fisher is a little below his birth weight but Hunter is above his. I don't quite understand how the baby with the digestion issues is gaining weight..... Fisher is our little chicken leg. He is quite skinny. Hunter is our "stocky" little guy. I guess you could say our chubby baby but I don't know if you can call 4 lbs chubby.
Hunter is the baby that had the water on his kidney. We are waiting until he is about 2 months old to take him to Primary Children's to do additional testing. At this point he is on a preventative antibiotic that will hopefully help the issue to resolve itself by 2 months of age.
Yes, we can tell them apart. I don't think we will have a problem with that. It has been so fun getting to know them and spending time with them. We do not know when to expect them home but we do know that we want them to come when they are ready.
Justin has not seen them so that has been a little tough on him. There is not a window to look thru to see them so only me, Tyler, and the Grandmas and Grandpas have seen them in person.
We have taken a few videos of them to show Justin.
Please keep our babies in your prayers! And pray that me, Tyler and Justin stay healthy.
This is Hunter today. We just took his bili-light eye mask off so he is a little squinty eyed.
This is Fisher today. He was trying to pull out his feeding tube so I wrapped his arms up.
This is me with Fisher yesterday. You can see how little he is with his little skinny face poking out.